It's..... Indescribable.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
Evidence of how lousy the human race has become.
by LogCon infollow the link\.
prepare their graves.. .
Evidence of how lousy the human race has become.
by LogCon infollow the link\.
prepare their graves.. .
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Don't be curious. It's horrific. I'm surprised it's allowed on YouTube.
I feel dirty inside.
Do as we say not as we do.. (or spiritual hypocrites to those in the trade.)
by Dis-Member inwhen i first started 'pioneering' at aged 19 i was encouraged by my so called spiritual leaders(elders) to do window cleaning.
which i did but could never make enough to support myself, so i had to take a second part time job which was also a cleaner at a primary school.
i was always broke and always poor.. what never really clicked with me until many years after leaving was that none of these so called elder spiritual guides did window cleaning or pioneered themselves.. in fact they did the very opposite and lived very full and rich lives.. one ran his own building firm and dealt with milt-million pound contracts, another had his own very successful double glazing business, another was some kind of mechanical engineer who worked for some big multi-national organisation, another was a chemical engineer, another owned and ran his own very busy printing firm.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Good for you dude, livin' the dream!
Do as we say not as we do.. (or spiritual hypocrites to those in the trade.)
by Dis-Member inwhen i first started 'pioneering' at aged 19 i was encouraged by my so called spiritual leaders(elders) to do window cleaning.
which i did but could never make enough to support myself, so i had to take a second part time job which was also a cleaner at a primary school.
i was always broke and always poor.. what never really clicked with me until many years after leaving was that none of these so called elder spiritual guides did window cleaning or pioneered themselves.. in fact they did the very opposite and lived very full and rich lives.. one ran his own building firm and dealt with milt-million pound contracts, another had his own very successful double glazing business, another was some kind of mechanical engineer who worked for some big multi-national organisation, another was a chemical engineer, another owned and ran his own very busy printing firm.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Well said. Thumbs down matey, sorry for the unhappiness. It'ss oppression, simple as that. Tie you up with menial work, no hope of advancement unless you ignore the 'suggestions' to pioneer with your time instead of take on extra hours or pursue a career.
I wish I'd gone to college and uni. But no, glass smearer for DECADES. d'oh!
to be fair, I've built it into a decent business, but that would've been impossible if I'd been pioneering for any length of time.
Control, control, control...
GB Gerrit Losch and his questionable article in the 7/14 WT study edition!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS inin this article gerrit talks about his father in the first and last paragraphs, what he says about him and his hope for him goes against all that witnesses have preached about the worldly for the last 100 years... as i recall aren't all the worldly supposed to be destroyed and never have a hope of everlasting life like jw's are, and isn't that the purpose of the preaching work to baptize and warn the worldly of this???
if not why do jws even preach, or even become jws in the first place if all have a hope of everlasting life, jw and non-jw, are they releasing a little hint at new light to come???
or am i just missing or over analyzing something?.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Regarding this "directly killed by jehovah not getting a resurrection", it was brought out last week in the bible highlights that Korah, destroyed by Jehovah, according to the original language, went into hades (or is it sheol), anyway, either way it's the common grave of mankind, from which a resurrection IS possible.
The point being made was that we're not to judge, but trust jehovah's justice.
Today's WT study!. Watch out for the "wicked" in the cong!
by stuckinarut2 inhow strange today's study was!.
warning examples of apostacy, and saying to all witnesses "watch for bad associations in the cong".
talk about paranoia and distrust amongst themselves!.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Excellent point coded logic, nicely put!
Love, Watchtower Style (redux)
by Farkel in"right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love.
but the greatest of these is love.
" - 1 corinthians 13:13.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Today's WT study!. Watch out for the "wicked" in the cong!
by stuckinarut2 inhow strange today's study was!.
warning examples of apostacy, and saying to all witnesses "watch for bad associations in the cong".
talk about paranoia and distrust amongst themselves!.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Ooh looking forward to this one! Let's see if anyonetalks to me after!
Hi Everyone!
by poopsiecakes ini haven't been here in quite a while and thought i'd pop by.
i do lurk at times, i confess lol.
after reading the recent publications at the new golden calf (, my mind is kind of blown that jw's are still not seeing through the constant adjustments, clarifications, new light and reversals.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Well hello!
No idea who you are, but glad you're fully accomplishing your life now, well done! Welcome back!
Kingdom Hall in Chile has National flag!!
by wolfman85 inin the spanish website extj one forum user shows evidence that on the 18th and 19th of september in chile the government calls to honor the nation displaying the national flag everywhere.
failure to do so is liable to a fine.
you can see the photos here:
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Bumpity bump....